Saturday, June 30, 2007


ok coming to my favourite hobby quizzing..this is one topic which i should covered a long time back itself..anyway i have had this thing for quizzes since the time i was in 5 th standard..i always had some kind of a connection to this cerebral sport and could identify myself with it..but unfortunately i failed to get myself some breaks which could place in my school quiz team which was among the best quiz teams in india.Then one fine morning like a bolt from the blue i got a chance to represent my school in a national quiz..this was my first entry into the school team and my first real foray into quizzing.Anyway i got badly beaten at the national quiz and the points which received are so loow that i am not mentioning it for the fear that whenever i see it i may nevr get the motivation to continue this hobby.

Anyway after that unfortunate debacle i got an awesome partner in my 11th standard called hari.He was a fitting mate coz of the fact that he was aware oif my short-comings as well[;)].anyway i believed that we made a good team but unfortunately we managed to get our hands around only too few 12th standard saw a drop in academic performance as i began to loose interest in my school stream of science.anyway that year didnt produce any worhwhile results so far as my hobby is concerned.After my school days i managed to get myself into a law school and am hoping to participate in more quizzes (circumstances providing)


P.s:-THIS is more like an 'about me' than a regular blog posting right..well u know that it is impossible to tell when inspiration strikes just struck me rigt now and got me writting on this topic..hoping to post more sensible and 'cool' postings soon.. [:D]..